Hi, We're Visit Italy! ✨

With an online community of more than 3.1 million travellers, we are the first independent promotion channel for Italy in the world. 

We want to inspire travel that creates value for local communities, respects ecosystems and promotes the excellence and diversity of each territory.

Hi, We're Visit Italy! 

With an online community of more than 3.1 million travellers, we are the first independent promotion channel for Italy in the world. 

We want to inspire travel that creates value for local communities, respects ecosystems and promotes the excellence and diversity of each territory.

Part of the Visit Italy Team

Part of the 
Visit Italy Team

Chi siamo

Con una community online di oltre 3,1 milioni di viaggiatori, siamo il primo canale di promozione indipendente dell'Italia nel mondo. Vogliamo ispirare viaggi che creino valore per le comunità locali, rispettino gli ecosistemi e promuovano le eccellenze e le diversità di ogni territorio.

Things to know about us

What do we do?

We create content in different formats dedicated to our community. 

A space where we highlight excellence and inform travellers about the best places not to be missed in each territory.

Who are we talking to?

Our target audience is aggregated around a value base rather than a demographic target. 

We aspire to speak to an audience of travellers that is as broad as possible, cross-generational and respectful of the territory and cultures it encounters.

How do we do it?

Visit Italy publishes a variety of multimedia, text, audio and video content. 

The types of content published on our platforms can be of a strictly editorial nature or in partnership with local realities, brands and institutions.

Things to know about us

What do we do?

We create content in different formats dedicated to our community. 

A space where we highlight excellence and inform travellers about the best places not to be missed in each territory.

Who are we talking to?

Our target audience is aggregated around a value base rather than a demographic target. 

We aspire to speak to an audience of travellers that is as broad as possible, cross-generational and respectful of the territory and cultures it encounters.

How do we do it?

Visit Italy publishes a variety of multimedia, text, audio and video content. 

The types of content published on our platforms can be of a strictly editorial nature or in partnership with local realities, brands and institutions.

Why does Visit Italy exist?

Visit Italy is first and foremost a community of people and companies aware of their impact on the future and aims to include anyone who wants to take part in the construction of a more conscious, sustainable tourism and vector of development for local communities.

Perché esiste Visit Italy?

Visit Italy è anzitutto una community di persone ed aziende consapevoli del loro impatto sul futuro e punta a includere chiunque voglia prendere parte alla costruzione di un turismo più consapevole, sostenibile e vettore di sviluppo per le comunità locali.

Visit Italy is a "Enterprise for Children" with Save the Children ❤️

From 2023, Visit Italy is officially the 45th Italian "Enterprise for Children," committed to supporting children in need through Save the Children's "Punti Luce" in Italy—an initiative primarily aimed at illuminating the future of the new generations.

With the campaign "Illuminiamo il Futuro" Save the Children has established 26 Points of Light throughout the national territory. These high-density educational spaces are located in the most disadvantaged areas of cities, providing free educational and formative opportunities for children and adolescents aged 6 to 17.

The areas of intervention are diverse, ranging from academic support to artistic and musical workshops, from promoting reading to access to new technologies, and also encompass playful and motor activities.

Work with us ✨

Do you want to work with us? 
We are always looking for new talent:
If you represent a small excellence, a brand or an entity and you want to collaborate with us:
Visit Italy Srl
Via Filippo Argelati, 10, 20143 Milano 
P.IVA 08368951219
Capitale Sociale 50.000€
Dal 2023, Visit Italy è ufficialmente un'Impresa per i Bambini, impegnata a sostenere i bambini in difficoltà attraverso i Punti Luce di Save the Children in Italia.